If we could only pick one of the many liposomal Vitamin C benefits, it would be that it is better suited to enabling your body to absorb the Vitamin C your’e consuming. You may be ingesting 50X the daily allowance, but pills, powders, gummies — even whole foods — are poor ways of getting the […]
7 Benefits of Garlic You May Not Have Known
7 Benefits of Garlic You May Not Have Known 1. The Blood Purifier Tired of covering up those zits with concealer every morning? It’s time to tackle the root cause of acne by purifying your blood from inside to get healthy skin on the outside. Take two cloves of raw garlic with some warm water […]
Candida | Lactose intolerance | Bloating | Vaginitis | UTI | Spastic colon | Diarrhoea | Constipation
Without question, amngst the very best Probiotics to be found. BIOremFERMENT is beneficial for candida, stomatitis, lactose intolerance, bloating, vaginitis, urinary tract infection, spastic colon, gastritis, diarrhoea, constipation and flatulence pain with IBS. Strains: L.Acidophilus L.Rhamnosus L.Paracasei L.Brevis L.Plantarum L.Reuteri B.Infantis Albiofa BIOremFERMENT | 200ml – Single Bottle | R373.00 HERE FREE SHIPPING for all […]
Telomere Lengthening: The Secret to Slowing Aging?
Telomere Lengthening: The Secret to Slowing Aging? By: LivOn Labs. LivOn Liposomal Glutatione (GSH) here Telomeres naturally shorten with age, but there are certain things you can do to slow that shortening or even reverse it. We’ll review scientifically proven telomere lengthening supplements, lifestyle interventions, and diets. Why is it important to lengthen telomeres? Telomeres, […]
Can Fifteen Minutes Of Walking A Day Change Your Body?
It’s not news to anyone a healthy lifestyle includes some form of exercise. What may surprise you: You don’t have to hit the gym or pound the pavement jogging. Plenty of research shows that 150 minutes weekly of brisk walking is like a wonder drug in at least eight ways. 1. Regulate Blood Pressure If […]
Camel milk is the new milk craze in South Africa – should you try it?
Camel milk is the new milk craze in South Africa – should you try it? Do camel milk’s nutritional benefits exceed that of cow’s milk and popular milk alternatives? We take a look. In some parts of the world, camel milk is a local specialty. Dubbed the “white gold of the desert”, it’s been popular […]
Minerals and Vitamins for Gluten Free Living
Minerals and Vitamins for Gluten Free Living Whether it’s absorption challenges or lack of nutrients in gluten-free foods, celiac disease and general gluten sensitivity can lead to deficiencies in vitamins and minerals that are critical to our health. Finding the right supplements with the right minerals and vitamins for gluten free living can help ensure […]