Mega Oxygen – the Energy Medicine of the Future Oxygen is critical for life in all forms – 90% of our energy comes from oxygen and only 10% from food and water. Our atmosphere is currently 21% oxygen except in large cities in which it is only 15 to 18% due to pollution, toxic waste […]
Protect Your Skin While Wearing a Mask
No, it’s not just you, wearing a mask all day every day, has most of us experiencing some form of skin reaction! Wearing layers of fabric over our faces is a breeding ground for sweat and bacteria to collect which is not ideal for clear skin… Let’s not forget that the seasons are changing and […]
Obesity and the immune system
Obesity and the immune system Obesity is a state of malnutrition, and since proper nutrition has a proven relationship to immune function, it should be no surprise that obesity impedes the immune system. Researchers have been churning out studies and literature reviews for decades about the adverse effects of obesity on the immune system. Most […]
Immuni-tiki: Tropical Immune Smoothie
Immuni-tiki: Tropical Immune Smoothie Supporting your immune system is a daily task. Wake up, make your bed, brush your teeth, support your immune system with a shot of Lypo-Spheric® Vitamin C. And do that every single day. Because if you’re not consistently taking Vitamin C, you’re not giving your immune system the supplies it needs […]